When we launched the Access Our Medicine Initiative earlier this year, one of our goals was to help give a voice to the untold stories of those experiencing the problem of unaffordable medicine. Through our interviews and research, we knew that media coverage on the issue of affordable medicine was light. We know that increased coverage of the problem can challenge public perceptions that medicines will be there when needed and that access problems are only experienced in the developing world. Seeing this three part series from CTV on the costs of cancer care is encouraging because it challenges the assumption that access to affordable medicine isn’t an issue in countries like Canada.

CTV reports that Canada ranks second in the world for out of pocket drug expenses. For those who don’t think that high drug prices are an issue in Canada, consider that lack of coverage for oral cancer drugs means that some Canadians are putting off retirement and selling their cars in order to pay for chemotherapy. Consider that a young couple was presented with a $8,000 bill at the pharmacy for brain cancer medication. Consider that some patients are forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars for cancer care when they are diagnosed for the second time. Dr. Christopher Longo has been researching cancer’s financial impact on families and he estimates that one third of patients in Ontario end up paying $25,000 out of pocket.

What’s interesting about this series is that it begs another important question – why are the costs so high in the first place? The Ministry of Health says that $0.42 out of every tax dollar goes towards healthcare. With health spending projected to make up 70% of the provincial health budgets in the next decade, it seems crucial to explore how we can bring the costs down rather than focusing only on who will cover the costs.

We’re trying to support solutions that will make medicine more affordable for all. Join us by signing the declaration today:  www.accessourmedicine.com

Watch the full series from CTV below.

CTV Investigates: The Cost of Cancer Care Part I

CTV Investigates: The Cost of Cancer Care Part II

CTV Investigates: The Cost of Cancer Care Part III